The Honey Bun Foundation Website

Bringing a Dream to Reality

In 2019, The Chief Executive Officer (CEO) of Honey Bun Limited, Mrs Michelle Chong launched The Honey Bun Foundation to support Small and Medium Enterprises (SMEs) within the Creative Industry. Mrs Chong had a desire to help SMEs develop a strong foundation to grow their businesses, by providing much-needed training and technical support. With the establishment of the foundation, there was a need to create an online presence through a Website.


HTo develop a vibrant, interactive and creative website to communicate the foundation’s vision and mission, while recommending useful resources.


Niritech Digital Services designed and developed a customized Content Managed (CMS) website to manage the frequently changing content of the foundation. The website design is bold and is inspired by Jamaican entrepreneurship journeys depicted through colourful and artistic photos and images. The website is responsive, mobile-friendly and built with new and innovative modern design elements.